Project background
The Midlands Net Zero Hub aims to support public sector organisations to build business cases for project proposals ready to be financed and to access the UK government funding streams, in particular future rounds of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) Fund.
This is aimed to be achieved by providing feasibility reports using modelling tools and decarbonisation audits to help public sector organisations identify energy efficiency, clean heat and renewable generation measures across the region.
We can provide the following support:
• Business case creation – Supporting organisations to build business cases ready to be financed and / or to access Government funding streams.
• Portfolio review & discussion – Aimed at understanding current building assets within your organisation that may be suitable for future PSDS funding. This will help to support to your current Net Zero/Decarbonisation targets.
• Decarbonisation Energy Audits – An assessment and report on the current heating system and building fabric of existing buildings. This is aimed at organisations intending to apply to the next round of PSDS. (Audits subject to sufficient budget and availability)

If you would like to express interest in receiving support from the Hub’s PSDS team, please fill in our EOI and return it to