The Midlands Net Zero Hub is supporting local authorities and organisation to reach net zero through a variety of schemes and projects.
Our expert team helps public sector and community organisations to reach net zero faster by:
– Increasing the number, quality, and scale of net zero projects being delivered in the Midlands
– Raising awareness of the opportunities for and benefits of decarbonisation projects
– Enabling local areas to attract finance for their projects.
Discover the innovative work we’re doing across the region.
Public Sector Decarbonisation
This Government-funded scheme provides grants for public sector bodies to fund heat decarbonisation projects and energy efficiency measures.
Low carbon goods and services
We developed an evidence-based study of the Low Carbon Environmental Goods & Services Sector to provide a comprehensive snapshot of the sector.
Electrification of depots
We are working on sharing accessibility of charging infrastructure across public transport depots, allowing us to decarbonise the transport sector in the Midlands.
Low carbon heat
The Midlands Net Zero Hub is supporting low carbon heat projects, including heat pumps for new builds, district heating expansions, energy from mine water, and more.
Local Energy Advice
Testing various approaches to delivering in-person advice, particularly for harder-to-treat properties and digitally excluded consumer groups.
Domestic retrofit
Through our domestic retrofit schemes, we are working to lift residents in the Midlands out of fuel poverty by making their homes more energy efficient.
Community energy
The Midlands Net Zero Hub is helping community groups across the region to implement renewable energy projects for the benefit of local residents.
National schemes
We are working on national schemes to upskill the supply chain for retrofit projects and enforcing minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rented sector.