Scheme background
This competition provided funding for English and Welsh local authorities to support them in enforcing the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) Regulations. Private rented properties in scope of the MEES Regulations must meet the minimum energy efficiency standard (EPC E) before they can be let, unless a valid exemption has been registered.
For further information about the MEES Regulations, including which private rented properties they apply to and when, please see the relevant guidance:
• Domestic private rented properties
Local authorities are responsible for the enforcement of the MEES Regulations in the domestic sector, and this competition aimed to support them to do so successfully.

The competition
Local authorities in England and Wales could bid for financial support through the Private Rental Sector MEES Compliance and Enforcement Competition which made over £4.7m of funding available.
Each local authority could bid for up to £100,000 of revenue funding to help build their capacity and capability to enforce the MEES Regulations in the domestic sector in their region. This financial assistance will help drive upgrades in the worst-performing private rented homes.
The competition aimed to:
• Support local authorities with the introduction of a formulated approach for enforcing requirements under The Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015
• Assist local authorities with clear financial needs to build compliance and enforcement capacity and capability
• Reduce fuel poverty and the carbon emissions produced by the housing (and commercial) sector.
The Midlands Net Zero Hub is managing this scheme on behalf of BEIS.