Mine energy
Using the geothermally heated wasted in abandoned coal mines is not a new technology, but it is one that has the potential to deliver thousands of jobs. One quarter of the UK’s homes and businesses are sited on former coalfields. The Coal Authority estimates that there is sufficient energy in the water in the underground network of old coal workings to heat all of the homes on coalfields. Exploiting this resource would make a significant contribution to solving a pressing low carbon challenge – the decarbonisation of heat.
The Midlands and North East, Yorkshire, and Humber Hubs, BEIS, and the MCS Charitable Foundation funded a white paper to understand the potential of energy from mine water.
Low carbon horticulture
Every year, greenhouses in the UK are estimated to use 3.3 TWh of heat. Recoverable waste heat from UK industry is estimated to be 10-50TWh per year – enough to heat the greenhouses more than three times over.
Find out more about our ground-breaking study with District Eating to identify links between energy and the agri-food sector.