£500 grants available for training opportunities

Grow your skills by applying for up to £500 grant funding for heat pump or heat network courses.

Through the Heat Training Grant, you will gain valuable skills and knowledge in a growing industry that is focused on sustainability and renewable energy.

Apply now and embark on a fulfilling journey as a heat pump or heat network engineer.

Heat pumps training grant

You’re eligible for the grant if all of the following are true:

– you work for a business with 250 employees or fewer, you are a sole trader, or you are unemployed

– you, or the business you work for, are certified by a competent person scheme for heating and hot water installations. Examples include: APHC, BESCA, Blue Flame Certification, Gas Safe Register, Certsure/NIC EIC, HETAS, NAPIT, OFTEC or Stroma

– you, or the business you work for, haven’t already received more than £315,000 in government subsidies over the last 3 years

Heat networks training grant

You’re eligible for the grant if all of the following are true:

– you’re a heating engineer or work in the heat networks area

– you’re based in England

– you, or the business you work for, have received less than £315,000 in government subsidies over the last 3 years