Bright Solar Future programme aiming to increase solar PV on non-domestic buildings

The Hub is working on a partnership project to establish viable financing options and investment opportunities to accelerate the installation of rooftop solar PV on commercial and industrial buildings in the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) area. It will aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of collective procurement models to help achieve economy of scale through aggregation of projects thus reducing costs associated to the purchase and installation of solar PV systems.

The project will focus on three elements:

  1. Mapping the solar potential in the WMCA region
  2.  Assess the commercial interest in the programme through engagement events and interviews with key local stakeholders and relevant building owners/tenants.
  3. Develop an outline business case for a West Midlands Net Zero Delivery Vehicle (NZDV) based on Rooftop solar PV as ‘Priority Investment’.

It is estimated that the WMCA region is home to over 170,000 enterprises which contribute more than 6,575 ktCO2 emissions annually. Supporting the installation of energy efficiency and energy generation measures in the non-domestic sector can unlock significant carbon and cost savings for the businesses and the whole region and support local economic growth.

Once the Bright Solar Future programme is complete, the resulting business case will be used to attract investment into the region. The delivery model will also be viable and replicable meaning that other local areas can capitalise on this work.

This project supports the Government’s aim to increase solar capacity to 70GW by 2035. Solar is the quickest local means of producing vast amounts of renewable energy, while creating jobs and adding to the circular economy. But, lack of capacity, capability, and funding are significant barriers to renewable energy adoption.

We will be joining the 2030 Climate Emergency Action Expo at Millennium Point in Birmingham on Thursday 21st September. Our Principal Net Zero Project Officer, Serena Bacuzzi, will be chairing a morning session to share more information about the scheme. Tickets are available now.

For more information keep an eye on our LinkedIn page for updates.
